To activate env:
source activate pyTFenv
To deactivate:
source datctivate
Jun 27, 2019
Jun 18, 2019
Create python virutal environment for ML
unloaded existing python module - as I had already python 3.7 by now)
look for all python modules
load python/3.7.0-anaconda3-5.3.0
Update conda
Then activate the environment:
source activate MLenv
Now we have our python 3.7 environment
We can install all the frameworks we need here.
To deactivate the environment,
source deactivate
I figured out that TensorFlow 1.12.0 only works with Python version 3.5.2. I had Python 3.7 but that didn't work. So, I had to downgrade Python and then I could install TensorFlow to make it work.
Environment location:
look for all python modules
load python/3.7.0-anaconda3-5.3.0
$ conda -V
Update conda
conda update conda
conda create -n MLenv python=3.7 anaconda
Now you are asked for update step.Then activate the environment:
source activate MLenv
Now we have our python 3.7 environment
We can install all the frameworks we need here.
To deactivate the environment,
source deactivate
6. Delete a no longer needed virtual environment
- To delete a conda environment, enter the following, where yourenvname is the name of the environment you wish to delete.
conda remove -n yourenvname -all
I figured out that TensorFlow 1.12.0 only works with Python version 3.5.2. I had Python 3.7 but that didn't work. So, I had to downgrade Python and then I could install TensorFlow to make it work.
To downgrade your python version from 3.7 to 3.6
conda install python=3.6.8
Environment location:
Mar 1, 2019
Reviving Aria 10 work on Oswald03
xxk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul/bin$ env CL_CONTEXT_E
CPU Elapsed time = 0.392515 sec
Accelerator Elapsed time = 22.417378 sec
Verification Successful err = 0.000000e+00
On Oswald >
matmul example
change the makefile
16:52:09 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul/bin$ ls matmul_ACC openarc_kernel_EmulatorDeviceEmulatedDevice.aocx
binBuilder_opencl Timer
16:53:03 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul/bin$ cd ..
16:53:06 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul$ cd cetus_output/
16:53:31 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul/cetus_output$ ls
matmul.cpp openarc_kernel openarc_kernel.aoco openarc_kernel.aocx
16:53:32 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul/cetus_output$ aoc -v -o ../bin/openarc_kernel_p510t_sch_ax115PCIe510n.aocx --board p510t_sch_ax115
Warning: Please use -board= instead of --board
aoc: Environment checks are completed successfully.
aoc: If necessary for the compile, your BAK files will be cached here: /var/tmp/aocl/
You are now compiling the full flow!!
aoc: Selected target board p510t_sch_ax115
aoc: Running OpenCL parser....
aoc: OpenCL parser completed successfully.
aoc: Optimizing and doing static analysis of code...
aoc: Linking with IP library ...
Checking if memory usage is larger than 100%
aoc: First stage compilation completed successfully.
Compiling for FPGA. This process may take a long time, please be patient.
CPU Elapsed time = 0.392515 sec
Accelerator Elapsed time = 22.417378 sec
Verification Successful err = 0.000000e+00
On Oswald >
matmul example
change the makefile
16:52:09 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul/bin$ ls matmul_ACC openarc_kernel_EmulatorDeviceEmulatedDevice.aocx
binBuilder_opencl Timer
16:53:03 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul/bin$ cd ..
16:53:06 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul$ cd cetus_output/
16:53:31 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul/cetus_output$ ls
matmul.cpp openarc_kernel openarc_kernel.aoco openarc_kernel.aocx
16:53:32 udk@oswald03:~/gamesskernel/openarcOS/test/examples/openarc/matmul/cetus_output$ aoc -v -o ../bin/openarc_kernel_p510t_sch_ax115PCIe510n.aocx --board p510t_sch_ax115
Warning: Please use -board=
aoc: Environment checks are completed successfully.
aoc: If necessary for the compile, your BAK files will be cached here: /var/tmp/aocl/
You are now compiling the full flow!!
aoc: Selected target board p510t_sch_ax115
aoc: Running OpenCL parser....
aoc: OpenCL parser completed successfully.
aoc: Optimizing and doing static analysis of code...
aoc: Linking with IP library ...
Checking if memory usage is larger than 100%
aoc: First stage compilation completed successfully.
Compiling for FPGA. This process may take a long time, please be patient.
Feb 5, 2019
Jan 17, 2019
Creating OpenACC C++ libraries
pgi/15.10.0 supports pgCC for c++
Newer pgi/18 doesn't recognize pgCC on Titan
A good read
acc benchmark code
OpenACC code targeted at an Nvidia GPU must be compiled with the PGI compiler using at least the following options:
pgcc source_code.c -ta=nvidia -acc
scc1% pgcc -o mycode -acc -Minfo mycode.c
In the above example,
turns on the OpenACC feature while -Minfo
returns additional information on the compilation.pgi/15.10.0 supports pgCC for c++
Newer pgi/18 doesn't recognize pgCC on Titan
A good read
acc benchmark code
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