1) modules 7) gcc/5.3.0 13) m4/1.4.15
2) git/2.10.1 8) cuda/8.0 14) boost/1.60.0-gnu5
3) gmp/5.0.5 9) make/4.1 15) mkl/2013.5.192
4) mpfr/3.1.0 10) openssl/1.0.2c 16) mpich/3.1.2-gnu
5) mpc/0.9 11) python/2.7.11 17) cmake/3.3.2
6) isl/0.14 12) hdf5/1.8.10-intel 18) openmpi/1.10.0-gnu
change main and
simgmsCoAC/Debug>> g++ -c ../main.cpp
create the main.o
To run the code in a single GPU
Enable double precision
OpenARC will add the following directive at the beginning of the generated OpenCL kernel file.
OpenARC will add the following directive at the beginning of the generated OpenCL kernel file.
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable