Nov 8, 2013


How to install and run Paraview on Linux

How to build Paraview on Linux

  1. Download the latest release from the Paraview website. The file is paraview-2.2.1-x86-linux.tar.gz
  2. Untar the file into some directory:
  3. % tar zxvf paraview-2.2.1-x86-linux.tar.gz
  4. Create a build directory:
  5. % mkdir build
    % cd build
  6. Run ccmake to configure the Makefiles:
  7. % ccmake ../paraview-2.2.1
  8. Here are the ccmake options that need to be set:
  9. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/projects/vis/tools/paraview-2.2.1
    Use the appropriate Mesa and MPI lirraries installed on your system.
  10. Make the distribution:
    % make
    % make install

How to run Paraview on Linux

Stand-alone Client
% ./paraview
Client to Server
% ./pvserver
% ./pvclient
Client to parallel Server
% mpirun -v -machinefile machines.txt -np 4 pvserver --use-offscreen-rendering
(machines.txt contains a list of server machines)
% ./pvclient

How to run the Paraview server on DataStar

Start pvserver on DataStar:
% ssh
% cd /usr/local/apps32/paraview-2.2.1/bin
% ./

Start pvclient on another machine:
% ./pvclient --server-port=12345

How to load raw binary volume data into Paraview

  1. Select the File -> Open Data menu item.
  2. Select "Files of type: All Files (*.*)" and the raw volume.
  3. You will get a message: "Could not find an appropriate reader for file". Click OK.
  4. Select the "Raw (binary) Files Reader".
  5. In the "Parameters" tab, specify the following fields:
    • Data type: byte, short, int, float, etc.
    • Extent: [ 0 ][X-1][ 0 ][Y-1][ 0 ][Z-1]

    • For example, if the volume resolution is 750 x 375 x 100, then set:
      Extent: [ 0 ][749][ 0 ][374][ 0 ][ 99]
  6. Press the [Accept] button

Client server model

It seems that Paraview can be run on the server and your computer can be a client if both has Paraview installed, regardless of the os.

How to enable x-forwarding on server

Approach 1(Since I don't have admin rights I couldnt create the file)

The best way to forward X applications to your local machine is by using your ssh server. This requires a small amount of setup with the ssh server. You must make sure the line: X11Forwarding yes is present in your sshd_config file. (/etc/ssh/sshd_config)
Once your ssh server has been configured, forwarding X applications is as simple as sshing in to the machine. The ssh server and client take care of all the forwarding details such as your environment varible and display number. There is a small catch: you must use the -X parameter to notify the client and server that you want X applications forwarded:

[evanchsa@somehost]$ ssh -X

Approach 2(worked): Using Xming and Putty (install Xming and putty)

Configure Putty as given below
Run Xming then start putty and log on to the server.
set path for paraview in server (centos)
Running Paraview after setting path is all there to do after the configuration.  (
export PATH=/home/umunipala/research/sem4/ParaView-4.0.1-Linux-64bit/bin:$PATH
Run Paraview

How to configure Putty (


Configuring Putty

  1. Add Unix hostname
  2. Switch Protocol to SSH
  3. Type name of session in saved sessions
  4. Click 'Save'

  5. Expand the 'SSH' tab from the 'Category' list
  6. Choose 'X11' from 'SSH' list
  7. Check 'Enable X11 Forwarding'

  8. Choose 'Session' from 'Category' list
  9. Click 'Save'

Starting the X Server on Windows

Configuring Xming

Just run "All Programs > Xming Xming" and it should work if you've got PuTTY configured.


  1. Start Xming
  2. Start Putty
  3. Double click on the saved session you want

  4. Enter username and password as requested
  5. You should now be able to run X applications from the host
    on your local desktop

William S. Bear
Feb 27, 2006

Aaron E. Fesperman
July 30, 2012

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